25 April 2008

Loving Medical Blogs and More!

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And more blogs that I want to share with you!

A to Z /AAFEN.org / Adrienne Zurub / Alex road to Freedom / Anything Goes Here / AREMAN / As the world turns / At Your Service / Balikbayan Box / Bimbo with a Twist / bisaya bloggers / Black n White / Buhay May Bahay / Buhay sysad / Cherish Everything / Chuvaness,Chakaness / Dining in Japan / Crazy Delicious Food / emanon / Embracing His Love / Eetsie’s World / Fiel's Missionary Journey / Franxbudi / Ging's Blog / Gizmo Gadget / Jaycee's Desires / JAZEVOX / Journey to Life’s Destiny / Just my two cents / just peachy Mabelle's Hope / Marvin's Blog / mindchic / My Tuppence Worth / no more star / Online English / Panionios 1890 / Parisukat /Pinoy WHAM / Poray's Thoughts / Pretty Life Online / REYIAN / Shela's Blog / Sexy Mom / Sigbin Art Blog / The Creativity In Me / The Millionnaire Secret / Think of Me and Laugh / Thinking Out Loud! / Thoughts of Me / WEIRDO /What Have You / Women Trip / Water learner / panqui.gov / Yesterday,Today.../ Yenny girl

This is permalink so it counts in technorati! Goodluck to all!
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A Millionaire's Hobby

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Many of us have different hobbies and most of the time it started out as a fun pastime. But others developed their hobbies into an investment like coin collections. This type of collection has been very popular all over the world for centuries.

People who are into this investment often seek where to find the rare coin for their collections and of course as much as possible in a fair price for its worth. Coin market these days has been very competitive that is why collectors are looking everywhere to hold on to that best rare coin ever. Moreover, they are after with a higher value of appreciation for their buy and sell business.

In addition, rare coin investors must have dealers who are resourceful, reliable and committed enough to provide them with the exact kind of precious metal piece they need or else, they cannot get the right value for their money.

Hobby it may seem, but many became millionaires with this kind of leisure. So, why not change yours into coin collection!

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23 April 2008

Would You Still like Your Triple-Cream Frappa-Mocha Java Delight in Styro Cups?

Save to Google Bookmarks!Styrofoam cups and containers are mostly used for foods and beverages. People find it easy to use styrofoam cups as it is not easily worn out. Similarly, you'll be able to get hold of hot foods/beverages due to its thickness. However, was it of the same thickness after use? Quantitatively, we might barely figure it out. Chemically, we are consuming 0.025% of the styrofoam cup for a single use. Styrofoam are made of polystyrene and migrates to food/beverages. Hence, if you were drinking water, tea or coffee from polystyrene cups 4 times a day for 3 years, you were actually consuming about 1 styrofoam along with your beverages...(con't)

Styrene migration has been shown to be partially dependent on the fat content of food in it. The higher the fat content, the higher the migration into the food. In addition, alcohols and acids increases migration rate.

Once styrene gets into your food/drink it mimics estrogen in the body. Thus, it can disrupt normal hormone functions, possibly contributing to thyroid problems, menstrual irregularities and other hormone-related problems. It is also considered a possible human carnicinogen. So, breast and prostate cancer are likely to occur.

Long termexposures to small quantities of styrene is also suspected of causing low platelet counts, hemoglobin values as well as chromosomal and lymphatic abnormalities. Accumulation of styrene in tissues of the brain, spinal cords and peripheral nervesmight also cause neurotoxic effects resulting in fatigue, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping and other acute or chronic health problems associated with the nervous system.

In order to avoid these health problems, use ceramic plates, bowls and mugs/cups. Choose paper instead of polystyrene. Never microwave food in polystyrene.

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15 April 2008

Some Pics at Work

SHaRing sOme PiCs fROm wOrK.

Medical Reviewers sneaking pictures!

and more on break period! [get this widget]

14 April 2008

Happy Birthday Nurse's Thoughts!

Save to Google Bookmarks!I cannot believe that its been a year since I start blogging here. I remember how hard it is for me to go through with the HTML because I do not know what it was anyway! Until finally I slowly learn with the help of my friends online.

Blogging really change my life. It gave me the opportunity to explore the other side of me. I feel fulfillment every time I post something helpful or something I wrote personally. Blogging also opened my window to the world. I have a lot of friends now around the world and I cannot exchange that for anything!

I hope you will not stop visiting my space.

Thanks to all who came here. Thank you for the messages, the comments and the personal emails I received. I owe it to all of you!

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