19 October 2008

Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction is a repeated inability to obtain erection for a longer period of time to meet sexual satisfaction. It affects at least more than 150 million men worldwide, 30 million of which are Americans. It maybe a result from a psychological problems or may be due to a disease or illness.

There are various treatments available to manage erectile dysfunction. There are oral, injectables, suppository type medications, therapies, vacuum devices, surgeries and some alternative treatments like acupuncture. But there are also herbal medications and vitamins for erectile dysfunction that could aid in managing. Additionally, you will be less worried for the side effects it can cause because it is all natural. But still, consult a doctor before starting any natural supplements for safety precaution.

Arginine is an amino acid that is important in cell division, immune function and release of hormones. It alleviates male infertility and it increase blood circulation all over the body including sex organ. Arginine can be found in most dairy products and seafood. Asian Ginseng is a root plant found in eastern Asia that is used worldwide as a nourishing stimulant and is found out to increase libido and sexual performance. It can also facilitate erection...(cont)

Bioflavonoids – is one of the vitamins for erectile dysfunction. Bioflavonoids is a complex compounds that assist the body to consume vitamin C. It helps boost immune system and improve blood circulation including circulation in the sex organ. Usually a 1000 mg daily is advised. Gingko Biloba is a tree. It is herbal medicine that helps in treating circulatory problems by dilating the blood vessels all over the body. Gingko biloba is considered by many as herbal Viagra. It is also a memory enhancer.

Inositol hexaniacinate/Vitamin B3 or Niacin helps in improving blood circulation and lower cholesterol. This supplement which is one of the vitamins for erectile dysfunction is contraindicated to diabetic patients. A 1000-3000 mg daily is the recommended dose.

Selenium helps in the production of hormone testosterone which is responsible for sexual functioning. Recommended dose is 200 mcg daily.

Vitamin C together with bioflavonoids helps promoting proper blood circulation in throughout the body. Take 1000 mg 3 times daily with meals.

Vitamin E is an anti oxidant that increases blood circulation and blood vessels elasticity. You can take 400 IUs daily. This is also one of the effective vitamins for erectile dysfunction.

Zinc is necessary for the secretion and consumption of all hormones in the body that includes sex hormones, growth hormone, insulin and other important enzymes in the body. Take 30 mg daily as its recommended dose.

Nature can always provide us the effective if not, the most effective treatment options for major diseases and illnesses. There are a lot of vitamins for erectile dysfunction that can be tried without the worry of too many side effects as what commercially prepared prescribed medications can cause.
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