27 December 2007

New Year's Day Food Traditions

It is New Year once more! And it means doing the good old traditions to bring luck and good fortune to us. There are so many different traditions around the world and here are some:

In the Philippines, it is important to have food on the table at midnight in order to insure an abundance of food in the upcoming year.

It is a Cuban tradition to eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight. The 12 grapes signify the last twelve months of the year.

Eating noodles at midnight is customary at Buddhist temples in Japan.

The Italian people eat a traditional New Year dish called cotechino con lenticchie: pork sausage served over lentils. Cotechino sausage is a symbol of abundance because they are rich in fat; while lentils symbolize money (being both green and coin shaped). This New Year food promises a double-packs of luck!

In the southern United States, it is believed eating black eyed peas on New Year's eve will bring luck for the coming year.

Boiled Cod is a New Year's Eve must in Denmark.

A German/Pennsylvania Dutch tradition is to eat pork and sauerkraut on New Year's day for good luck.

The Greek tradition of eating Vasilopita (a cake baked with a coin inside). The person who bites into his piece of cake and finds the coin will be blessed with good luck in the coming New Year.

Another tradition from the Philippines is to collect 7 different types of round fruits. The round shapre of the fruits signify money and seven is believed to be a lucky number. Set on the dinner table on New Year's eve, the fruits are believed to bring prosperity and sound financial status for the coming year.


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