04 November 2007

Clueless Me?

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Therese, a friend of mine way back my KSA days wrote a post dedicated for me in her blog. We lost in touch since I decided to stay here in the Philippines for a while. I am sharing this with you because this is the first time we connected again after long years of silence... She's been always regarding me as CLUELESS MaAn. Thank you Therese for this one!
cLueLEsS MaAN...

.... HoW TiMe FLiEs So FASt !!!!! The Mary AnN NuNEZ IvE KnOwN ObviouSLy GonE To The TOP!!!!!

A LAd WhO pHaSe To WAit And UnLeashed HeR PotentialS....

Who OvErCometH THe SpiKes OF ChaLLenges And Sphinx in HEr LifE

Who GreatLy ConQuERS All!!!!!!

Spread YouR WinGs MoRE DEaR AS YOu Share To OtheRS

AS yOu Are Always THe C l U e l E s S........

Sofisticated ,SweeT stylliSh and eveR PrEttY MaAN I'Ve KnOwN!


Anonymous said...

wow! ang sweet... :-)

Anonymous said...

nakaka touch naman. Its good to know that you have your friend back...

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